Luanda - Angolan ambassador Dombele Mbala Bernardo is part of the Wise Men Committee of the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC), a body presented on Saturday in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) to the Heads of State and Government of this regional organization.
According to a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, seven senior African personalities are part of the Committee of Wise Men, appointed through decision no. 40 /Com/PR of June 26, 2023, in accordance with article 17, paragraph 4 of the relative protocol to the African Peace and Security Council (COPAX).
Among the members, the former transitional President of the Central African Republic (CAR), Catherine Samba Panza, and the former Prime Ministers of Cameroon, Philémon Yang, and Chad, Emmanuel Nadingar, respectively, stand out.
The act of presentation of the Committee of Wise Men to the Heads of State and Government of the CEEAC took place at the XXIV Ordinary Session of this supreme body of the Central African Peace and Security Council (COPAX) and demonstrates the commitment of this organization towards peace, security and regional integration of Central Africa, according to the document.
The members of the aforementioned committee have the mandate to work with zeal and dedication towards the success of the commitments assumed by CEEAC, sharing their experiences, especially with regard to good governance, preventive diplomacy, peaceful resolution of disputes, in order to achieve the economic integration long awaited by Member States for the well-being of the populations of this sub-region.
Dombele Mbala Bernardo, 90 years old, is an itinerant ambassador for Angola and has directed his country's Diplomatic Missions in Gabon and Côte d'Ivoire, having also been a non-resident ambassador in several African states. VC/DOJ