Angola and Russia hold consultation meeting

  • Luanda • Sunday, 14 July de 2024 | 14h34
Arte das bandeiras de Angola (à esq.) e da Rússia
Arte das bandeiras de Angola (à esq.) e da Rússia
Arte: Osvaldo Pedro-ANGOP

Luanda – Angola and Russia held last Friday a virtual consultaion meeting in their respective capacities as chair of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) and chair of the Security Council (SC) of the United Nations (UN) in this month of July.

According to a note that’s reached ANGOP, the meeting analysed the monthly work programmes of the two organs and the forms to co-ordinate common interest matters.

The two delegations were led by the permanente representatives in the African Union, Miguel Bembe, and the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, respectively.

On the occasion, Ambassador Miguel Bembe gave a brief contextualised explanation of the Agenda of Angola’s Mandate at the PSC for 2024-2026, whose generic theme is “Understanding the Causes of Conflicts in Africa: Moving towards integrated solutions that combine socio-economic development and sustainable peace”.

The Angolan diplomat laid out the main activities of the PSC for the moth under analysis, highlighting the virtual ministerial meeting on the role of Mediation and Reconciliation in DRC.

The Monday meeting has as focus the Luanda and Nairobi Processes.

The diplomat mentioned also the holding, on July 5, of the Brainstorming session on the Summit of the Future to happen in September this year under the umbrella of the United Nations; also the meeting held on July 11 dedicated o the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR), plus the field mission of the PSC to Mozambique, set for the end of the present month, and which is to end Angola’s presidency.

Miguel Bembe stressed the role of President João Lourenço as AU Champion of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa has been strengthened with his recent appointment, by the continental organisation, as member of the Ad-Hoc Presidential Committee on Sudan.

The new Committee is co-ordinated by the Head of State of Uganda, and includes the Presidents of Egypt, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria.

On his turn, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia recognised the leadership of Angola in matters of peace, security and development in Africa, having also hailed the engagement of the Angolan President, João Lourenço, in promoting peace in the contionent.

He equally emphasised the Open Debate of the UNSC, set for Tuesday (16), on International Peace and Security, with focus on multilateral co-operation associated to more just, democratic and sustainable societies.

The Russian diplomat also highlighted the debate on the co-operation between the UN and Regional and Sub-Regional Organisations in the maintenance of peace and international security, scheduled to take place on Friday (19), as well as spoke about the holding of informative and consultation sessions on various Middle East countries.

The heads of both delegations assessed the level of preparation of the 18th Annual Joint Consultation Meeting between the UN Security Council and AU Peace and Security Council, to happen in New York on October 18, this year.

The two diplomats exchanged impressions about international agenda issues, chiefly the situation in the Republic of Sudan, the conflict in the Middle East, and matters linked to climate changes, among other issues.


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