Angola and Japan aim to strengthen cooperation

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 06 August de 2024 | 10h49
Embaixador Miguel Bembe recebe representante japonês na UA, Nakagawa Tsutomi
Embaixador Miguel Bembe recebe representante japonês na UA, Nakagawa Tsutomi

Luanda - Angola and Japan on Monday in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) expressed interest in strengthening bilateral cooperation through the holding of events and official visits exchanges.

According to a press release, the common intention was expressed during a meeting between Angola's ambassador to Ethiopia and permanent representative to the African Union (AU), Miguel Bembe, and Nakagawa Tsutomi, the Japanese representative to the continental organization.

The diplomats described the state of bilateral relations as satisfactory and discussed issues related to the next ministerial meeting of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) to be held in the Japanese capital on August 24 and 25, where Angola will be represented by Foreign Minister Téte António.

The two sides considered it essential for all African countries to take part in TICAD, given the importance of the event which is co-organized by different partners, such as the Japan government, African Union (AU) and the United Nations.

TICAD is a summit held regularly with the aim of promoting high-level political dialogue between African leaders and development partners.

It is a multilateral open and inclusive forum launched in 1993 by Japan, in which various international agencies, partner countries, private companies and civil society organizations involved in the development field participate, in addition to the AU member states.

The platform mobilizes support for the development on the African continent, based on three pillars: "Achieving structural transformation for sustainable economic growth and social development", "Achieving a resilient and sustainable society" and "Achieving sustainable peace and stability".

This month's ministerial meeting is part of the preparations for the ninth edition of TICAD to be held in 2025 in Japan. VIC/TED/AMP




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