Angola and China address bilateral cooperation

  • Luanda • Thursday, 22 August de 2024 | 20h45
Ministro Téte António ( à dir.) recebe embaixador da China em Angola, Zhang Bin
Ministro Téte António ( à dir.) recebe embaixador da China em Angola, Zhang Bin

Luanda - Angola and China addressed on Thursday, in Luanda, issues of common interest within the scope of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum (FOCAC).

According to a press release that ANGOP had access to, the minister of foreign affairs, Téte António granted an audience to the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Zhang Bin.

During the meeting, the Chinese diplomat highlighted that this forum has established itself as a fundamental pillar in the construction of a shared future between African countries and China.

FOCAC is a forum that takes place alternately in China or in an African country and was founded in October 2000, at the First Ministerial Conference in Beijing.

It is made up of 55 members, namely China, and 54 African countries with which the Asian giant maintains diplomatic relations.

FOCAC is part of a growing trend of South-South Cooperation that offers an alternative to traditional development assistance mechanisms.

This forum aims to strengthen Sino-African economic cooperation and trade relations to establish a new international order that will better reflect the needs and interests of China and Africa.

It meets every three years, resulting in an Action Plan between China and African countries, which is implemented bilaterally and supervised by a monitoring committee.


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