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Angola highlights Congo's role liberation struggle

  • Luanda • Monday, 10 February de 2025 | 11h44
Embaixada de Angola na República do Congo assinala 4 de Fevereiro
Embaixada de Angola na República do Congo assinala 4 de Fevereiro

Luanda - The Angolan ambassador to the Republic of Congo, Vicente Muanda, recognized, last weekend, the important role of the Congolese people during the national liberation struggle, whose country served as the MPLA's rear guard.

Speaking at the event commemorating the 64th anniversary of the start of the armed struggle, Feb 4, the diplomat stressed that this contribution continues to be memorable due to the excellent fraternal ties between the two countries (Angola and Congo) wisely led by the both presidents João Lourenço and Denis Sassou Nguesso.

According to the ambassador, on Feb 4, 1961, widespread popular resistance began against external invaders, creating the conditions for achieving independence and building a future of freedom, development and progress.

During his speech, ambassador Vicente Muanda highlighted that fearless son of the country raised their voices, wielding machetes against Portuguese colonialism, risking their lives for the common good: the construction of the Angolan nation free from oppression.

“This year we celebrate the 64th anniversary of the beginning of the armed struggle in Angola, under the motto: “Angola 50 years: preserving and valuing the achievements, building a better future”, he said.

He said that this motto leads to a deep reflection on the fundamental patriotic values, mainly those that led many Angolans to shed their blood for freedom and defense of the country. ART/CF/DOJ

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