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Angola defends strengthening security on border with Namibia

  • Luanda • Friday, 23 April de 2021 | 19h58

Lubango - Angola's interior minister, Eugénio Laborinho, Friday in Lubango, Huila province, called for reinforcement of security on the border with Namibia in order to prevent illegal immigration and other related crimes.

Speaking at the 21st Bilateral Meeting between the ministries of Interior of Angola and of Internal Affairs, Migration, Protection and Security of the Republic of Namibia, he said that this measure would also help to prevent other crimes, such as fuel smuggling, drug trafficking and human trafficking, vehicle theft, the cutting down of flora and poaching.

Still on the security side, Eugenio Laborinho advocated the improvement of the information exchange mechanism between the two countries, mainly related to prisoners in correctional facilities.

Regarding a possible reopening of the common border, the Angolan minister said that, with the vaccination drive against Covid-19 underway, the Angolan and Namibian governments "may decide if they will reopen the entry and exit procedures in the common space.

"We welcome the vaccination processes underway in both countries, as this will help mitigate the economic effects caused by the reduction in trade transactions," he stressed.

The governor of Huíla, Nuno Mahapi, who also spoke at the event, considered that it is in meetings of this kind that the two countries will build paths that help to avoid putting at stake the achievements attained.

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