Angola has 773 judicial magistrates

  • Luanda • Monday, 22 July de 2024 | 15h21
Bandeiras de países da SADC
Bandeiras de países da SADC
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - Angola has 773 judicial magistrates for an estimated population of 35 million, the president of the Supreme Court, Joel Leonardo, said on Monday in Luanda.

The magistrate, who was speaking during the opening act of the 1st Conference and 17th Plenary of the Administrative Court of the Southern African Development Community (SADCAT), stressed that three Courts of Appeal are in full operation, in the cities of Luanda, Lubango and Benguela.

Joel Leonardo pointed out the existence of 39 District Courts in operation throughout the country, highlighting the need to install more courts, positioning them physically closer and closer to the populations, making them accessible.

He said that the modern world places judges in a permanent challenge of updating scientific technical knowledge, leading to providing jurisdictional responses suitable for the promotion of constitutional democracy, universally accepted human rights.

Joel Leonardo called on the judges-counselors of SADCAT to welcome the concept of access to justice by the citizens of the region, in the material dimension, in order to facilitate that in practice the petitions of the population arrive on time at the Court and can also deserve treatment and quick response by the Magistrates and judicial staff.

Regarding the event, he expressed conviction that he will always leave new and valuable learning that will constitute beneficial experiences, for the sake of the courts as guarantors of the respective legal orders.

The president of SADCAT, Sanji Monageng, praised the government of Angola for being a country that excels in paying greater attention to gender at the judicial level and beyond.

Sanji Monageng stressed that the event aims to address a set of universal legal issues in line with principle No. 16 of sustainable development, which states to promote inclusive and peaceful societies to enhance justice for all, as well as to build inclusive institutions that are accountable and efficient.

He said that the event also aims to strengthen judicial cooperation at regional and global levels to provide more cohesive responses.

The magistrate added that the meeting will bring dialogue of sharing and knowledge between the participants in the various thematic areas that includes improvement in judicial performance in the bodies of the administration of justice in terms of transparency, integrity and accountability.

In turn, the Angolan judge member of SADCAT and spokesperson, Adelino Mungongo, stressed that Angola is the first country to host the conference and the 17th plenary of the organization outside the headquarters in Gaborone, Botswana, where the meetings usually take place.

The event aims to discuss the issues and challenges facing the courts in the region, approve the new statute and take the opportunity to elect the new president and vice-president of the court that among the candidates Angola is positioned to occupy one of the seats. FMA​/VIC/DOJ


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