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Angola committed to strengthening regular migration

  • Luanda • Thursday, 28 November de 2024 | 13h31
Esmeralda Mendonça, Secretária de Estado para as Relações Exteriores
Esmeralda Mendonça, Secretária de Estado para as Relações Exteriores

Luanda - Angola has said it is committed to strengthening regular and safe migration, aligned with the principles of the Sustainable Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the country's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Esmeralda Mendonça said Thursday in Geneva (Switzerland).

According to a press release, the diplomat said that the country is equally linked to the vision of the African Union's Agenda 2063, in order to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable development of all regions of the world.

For Esmeralda Mendonça, who was addressing the 115th Session of the Council of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), regular migration requires the effective sharing of information and good national and international practices, as well as border management.

The diplomat stressed the need to create social conditions and recognize the skills of migrants to ensure safe mobility in accordance with the law.

Esmeralda Mendonça explained that in recent years, the Angolan government has adopted several measures to guarantee the political, social and economic integration of migrants and the diaspora, with emphasis on the promotion of inclusive education, through the inclusion of immigrants in the National Education System.

The diplomat also highlighted the recruitment of specialized foreign labor, particularly in sectors where national capacity is insufficient or non-existent, and the promotion of close ties with the Angolan diaspora as a catalyst for human, financial and material resources for the country's socio-economic development.

Esmeralda Mendonça said that the phenomenon of global migration is complex and transversal, being at the same time an opportunity and a challenge, with profound implications for individuals, communities and countries of origin, transit and destination.

In this context, the diplomat reiterated that regular migration is based on policies that defend human rights and contribute to sustainable economic and social development of countries. FMA/VIC/TED/AMP

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