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Angola takes up position in AU Defence Committee

  • Luanda • Thursday, 06 June de 2024 | 01h55
Ministro da Defesa, João Ernesto dos Santos "Liberdade"
Ministro da Defesa, João Ernesto dos Santos "Liberdade"

Addis Ababa – The Minister of National Defence, Former Combatants and Veterans of the Homeland, João Ernesto dos Santos 'Liberdade', assumed, on behalf of Angola, the role of 1st Vice-Chairman of the Bureau of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defence, Protection and Security (CTEDPS) of the African Union (AU).

The event took place during the 16th Ordinary Session of this body, held on Thursday in Addis Ababa.

During the meeting, the Angolan delegation expressed the Government's concern about the multiplication of conflicts in Africa, terrorism and violent extremism, as well as for the unconstitutional changes of Government.

Speaking on behalf of the delegation, the Secretary of State for the Interior, José Paulino da Silva, stressed that the situations mentioned should deserve the collective attention of the Member States, as they cannot be answered in isolation and require greater and better coordination between the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Communities Regional Economic Instruments/Regional Mechanisms (REC/MR).

He described the CTEDPS sessions as very important, as they allow for an integrated and multisectoral analysis of the defence, safety and security situation on the continent Member States, in collaboration with the Department for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the AUC and the REC/MR.

He congratulated the Minister of Defense of Mauritania, Hanana Ould Sidi, for assuming the presidency of the CTEDPS and for the diligent way in which he conducted the session that considered, among other documents, the report of the 19th Meeting of the Chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the Heads of the Protection and Security Services of African countries, which preceded the ministerial forum.

Led by the Minister of National Defence, Former Combatants and Veterans of the Homeland, João Ernesto dos Santos 'Liberdade', the Angolan delegation included the secretary Minister of State for the Interior, José Paulino Cunha da Silva, and the Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, Miguel Bembe.

Also part of the delegation were the Chief of the Deputy General Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) for Patriotic Education, General José Maria Marques, the chief of the Deputy of the Military Intelligence and Security Service, Lieutenant General Adérito Nicolau, the Inspector General of the National Police, Commissioner Inocêncio de Brito, and the Director of Exchange and Cooperation of the External Intelligence Service, Manuel Camacho. ART/DOJ

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