Angola joins African air transport market

  • Luanda • Friday, 09 February de 2024 | 09h05
Angola depositou na UA a  Carta de Adesão à Declaração Solene ao Mercado Único de Transportes Aéreos em África
Angola depositou na UA a Carta de Adesão à Declaração Solene ao Mercado Único de Transportes Aéreos em África

Luanda – Angola on Thursday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, delivered its letter of accession to the Solemn Declaration of the Single Air Transport Market in Africa, at a ceremony held in the headquarters of the African Union (AU).

The letter delivered by Angola's ambassador to Ethiopia, African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Miguel César Bember, was signed by the Head of State, João Lourenço, on 29 September 2023.

The Angolan diplomat stated that with the delivering of the aforementioned legal instrument, Angola became the 37th Member State to fulfil these procedures and reiterated the strong commitment of the country towards a African continent which is more integrated and interconnected as a strong and influential global player.

"Angola considers leadership, political commitment, equitable and inclusive participation, the empowerment of citizens and the revitalisation of strategic planning to be absolutely essential factors in shaping Africa's future and ensuring the success of the African continent's ambitious goals", he said.

He emphasised that the options of the Long Term Development Strategy (Angola 2050), a strategic document that guides the entire National Planning System, values the adaption of the main commitments made by the Angolan state at regional, continental and international level, through national development plans, in the order of 70%.

He added that in Angola there is a strong and healthy alignment of the sovereignty body with national development processes, within the framework of the principle of interdependence, and that the National Assembly approved the Solemn Declaration on the Single Air Transport Market in Africa, through Resolution 18/23 of 4 September.

The ambassador said that it was within this framework that the members of the National Assembly were unanimous in recognising the countless advantages that the Single Air Transport Market would bring to the Member States, namely new routes, more frequent flights, better connections and lower prices, thus boosting the regional movement of goods and promoting the mobility of citizens.

He added that this was a major contribution that would certainly increase the number of passengers and generate a direct and indirect positive effect on trade, business travel and tourism, job creation and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) improvement.

The diplomat reaffirmed Angola's commitment to continuing the legacy of the founding fathers of the African Union, through the implementation of projects that consolidate the continent's ownership of its destiny and strengthen its position and competitiveness in global affairs.

In turn, the African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, Amani Abou-Zeid, emphasised the importance of implementing the decision on the creation of the Single Market for Air Transport in Africa, adopted by the African Union.

Among the objectives of the Single Market for Air Transport in Africa, it is highlighted the connectivity throughout the continent towards the sustainable development of air and tourism industries with strong contribution for economic growth, creation of job, prosperity and integration of Africa.


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