Angola discusses cooperation with Portugal and Morocco

  • Luanda • Friday, 06 May de 2022 | 18h20
Ministro Téte António examina cooperação com Portugal e Marrocos
Ministro Téte António examina cooperação com Portugal e Marrocos
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - Angola and Portugal on Friday in the Angolan capital discussed issues related to development of bilateral relations.

The issue was on the table during an audience of Foreign Minister, Tete António, with Portugal's Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Francisco André.

During the meeting, the two individuals spoke about the situation of the existing legal instruments between the two states, and reviewed issues on the regional and international agenda.

Angola and Portugal established diplomatic relations on 9 March 1976. The two states cooperate, among others, in the fields of diplomacy, economics, education, teaching and scientific research.

Available data indicates that Angola and Portugal signed at least 35 legal cooperation instruments, especially in the areas of agriculture, education, health, training, environment, energy, justice, defence, oil and security.

The working visit by the Portuguese secretary of state ends on 11 May.

Also today, Minister Tete António discussed with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco, Saadia El Alaqui, issues linked to bilateral cooperation in the political and economic fields.

During the audience granted by the minister, the parties discussed matters of common interest, with particular emphasis on strengthening cooperation in various areas.

The two countries have been analysing, at the level of international conferences, cooperation opportunities in climate change programmes, for soil preservation and reduction of the greenhouse effect.

To intensify economic and cultural exchanges between Angola and Morocco, within the framework of South-South cooperation, businesspeople from both countries created the Morocco-Angola Friendship Association (AMA) in 2007.

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