Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Social inclusion of people with disabilities highlighted

  • Luanda • Thursday, 10 November de 2022 | 12h35
Streets of Luanda city
Streets of Luanda city
Rosário dos Santos

Luanda - The chairperson of the National Association of the Disabled of Angola (ANDA) Silva Etiambulo Thursday stressed the contribution of National Independence to a better social inclusion of people with disabilities.

Silva Etiambulo was speaking to ANGOP ahead of the 47th anniversary of the country’s Independence on Friday (11), stating that 144,319 people with disabilities have been integrated in the job market since 2004.

He added that the inclusion took place through projects carried out with the State and other civil society partners.

He mentioned the “Vem Comigo” project, which allowed the insertion in the labour market of at least 80,000 citizens.

Silva Etiambulo spoke of a campaign, aimed to raise awareness among people with disabilities (acquired and natural), who previously depended on begging in the streets of Luanda city.

Under the motto "put conscience above disability", thousands of citizens abandoned begging and began to engage in productive activities.

Silva Etiambulo said that the measure coupled with professional training, including in the specialties of electricity, mechanics, masonry, bricklaying, cooking, as well as cutting and sewing.

Cooperatives were created to provide services with a great impact on the promotion of precarious commerce.

The "Vem Comigo" project also allowed the creation of agricultural cooperatives in the provinces of Bié, Huambo, Malanje, Huíla, Moxico, Bengo and Benguela, directly benefiting over 50,000 people.

Created on 1 February 1992, ANDA's objective is to manage a better quality of life for the approximately 656,000 people with disabilities in Angola.

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...