Parliamentarians to decide about Bill on vandalism on public property

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 17 July de 2024 | 20h06
National Assembly approves draft law on Legal Regime of Freight Activity.
National Assembly approves draft law on Legal Regime of Freight Activity.
Francisco Miúdo-ANGOP

Luanda - The National Assembly (parliament) will hold, on Thursday, the final global vote session on proposed legal tools, namely the bills on Gaming Activity and Crimes of Vandalization of Public property and Services, which outline a maximum sentence of 25 years.

The vote will take place during the seventh plenary session of the Angolan parliament, after heated debates in the specialty committees in recent days.

The Bill on Gaming Activity aims to ensure greater fairness, honesty, competitiveness and responsibility.

With this law, the aim is to establish a gaming legal system that is more suitable for regulating and controlling the activity, whilst safeguarding the defense of established rights and the legitimate expectations of gaming operators and players.

Regarding to the other draft-law, the Executive proposes penalties of up to 25 years in prison for the crimes of vandalizing public property, in response to the sharp increase in this phenomenon in recent years.

The draft also outlines penalties for the illegal transformation and export of public goods, from 10 to 15 years, and for the reception of public goods, from six to 12 years.



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