National Assembly votes on the overall Law on crimes of public vandalism

  • Luanda • Thursday, 11 July de 2024 | 17h28
V reunião extraordinária da Assembleia Nacional
V reunião extraordinária da Assembleia Nacional
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - The National Assembly (AN) will hold, on the 18th of this month, the final global vote on the proposed laws on Gaming Activity and Crimes of Vandalism of Public Properties and Services.

The information was released to the press on Thursday by the first secretary of the Parliamentary Board, Manuel Lopes Dembo, at the end of the Conference of Parliamentary Leaders, led by the president of the legislative body, Carolina Cerqueira.

Parliament's specialized committees are discussing the reformulation of the Proposed Law on Gaming Activity, in order to ensure that it is developed in a more fair, honest, competitive and responsible way.

With this reformulation, the aim is to establish a gaming legal system that is more suitable for regulating and controlling the activity, whilst safeguarding the defense of established rights and the legitimate expectations of gaming operators and players.

In relation to the other proposed law, the Executive proposes penalties of up to 25 years for the crimes of vandalizing public property, in response to the sharp increase in this phenomenon in recent years.

The bill also provides for penalties for the illegal transformation and export of public goods, from 10 to 15 years, and for the reception of public goods, from six to 12 years.

Legislative Authorization

The Plenary of the National Assembly will discuss and vote on a legislative authorization on the Legal and Fiscal Regime for Incremental Production in Oil Concessions in the Maritime Zone.

On the other hand, legislators will discuss and vote, in general, on the proposals for laws on the Bases of the National Professional Training System and on the Special Regime for the Availability of Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages.

Within the scope of its control and oversight powers, the National Assembly will assess the Execution Report of the General State Budget for the fourth quarter of 2023.

The Plenary will also discuss and vote on four draft resolutions that deal with matters of social security, health at work, violence and harassment, as well as the Agreement between the Republics of Angola and Rwanda for the elimination of double taxation in matters of taxes. DC/SC/DOJ

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