Parliament emphasizes cooperation to strengthen institutions

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 28 May de 2024 | 14h18
Vice-presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Raul Lima
Vice-presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Raul Lima
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - The third vice-speaker of the National Assembly (NA), Raúl Lima on Tuesday in Luanda said that parliamentary cooperation plays a fundamental role in strengthening democratic institutions.

Speaking at the opening of a training seminar entitled ‘The role of national accompaniment, friendship and solidarity groups’, the lawmaker  pointed out that strengthening democratic institutions helps to promote transparency in the management of public affairs and raises the responsibility of elected representatives towards citizens.

According to the lawmaker, the sharing of synergies between parliaments has contributed to jointly tackle global challenges such as climate change, food security, migration, regional and world peace and security.

Raul Lima underscored that parliamentary cooperation, as the driving force behind inter-parliamentary relations, has been one of the main mottos of the action carried out by the ‘house of laws’ in this legislature term, with the aim to promote sustainable development between states and exchanges of experience at political and legislative level.

Foreign policy and parliamentary diplomacy

The director of the Strategic Studies Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Matias Pires, shared with MPs the perspective of parliamentary diplomacy in terms of its relationship with multilateral organizations, the course of Angola's foreign policy and bilateral cooperation with the parliaments of friendly countries.

 Matias Pires considered the actions of the MPs in the context of parliamentary diplomacy to be remarkable, without however distorting the notion of the separation of powers.

Angolan president João Lourenço, is currently vice-president of the African Union (AU) Bureau of Presidency and is expected to assume the rotating presidency of this continental organization in 2025.


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