Luanda - The Speaker of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira, on Wednesday in Luanda defended greater rigour in monitoring the compliance of public institutions with the legal precept that allocates to people with disabilities a certain percentage of employment vacancies for them to apply for, aiming to guarantee their rights.
Carolina Cerqueira made this statement at the opening ceremony of the 50 years of Angolan Constitutionalism, marked by the presentation of the Constitution of the Republic of Angola (CRA) in Braille writing system.
According to the parliamentarian, more and better services must be provided, guarantee timely quality responses and create practical support mechanisms, with simplified and quick access.
“We have a moral obligation to remove barriers to participation and to invest sufficient financial resources and knowledge to unlock the vast potential of people with disabilities, whose access to health, rehabilitation, support, education and employment has often been denied, and who are not given the opportunity to shine”, she reinforced.
She informed that on a legal level, Angola is reasonably structured in terms of guaranteeing the rights of people with disabilities.
To her, in public life, one of the action priorities of all sovereign powers must be the promotion of the inclusion of people with disabilities, as an imperative of a society that aims to realize its full potential.
Carolina Cerqueira stated that for the development of inclusion policies for people with disabilities, it is essential to guarantee access conditions as well as the exercise of citizenship rights, through their participation in different life contexts that must be equal to other citizens.
According to her, disability does not need to be an obstacle to success, because the vast majority of people with disabilities in the world have difficulties to survive each day and also to develop a productive path of personal fulfilment.
“The full inclusion of citizens with disabilities, as well as the full recognition and promotion of their fundamental rights, must constitute one of the main priorities assumed by various sovereign powers”, she concluded.