Lubango – Forty administrators from municipalities in the provinces of Huíla, Namibe and Cunene began on Monday, a visit to exchange experience on public policies and food security in Brazil, in an initiative of the Government and partners.
The objective is to share experiences of public policies aimed at coexistence in semi-arid areas and food and nutritional security, until the 23rd of this month.
According to a note from the Government of Huíla, the delegation will visit municipalities in the Brazilian hinterland and the Alagoas countryside, more precisely in the States of Bahia and Alagoas, where they will learn about management and governance models for public policies on these topics.
One of the main contributions of the initiative, according to the promoters, is to expand the capacity of municipal administrations in Angola to implement integrated, participatory and sustainable actions and promotion programs for food and nutritional security.
The focus is on the municipalities of Cunene, Huíla and Namibe, most affected by climate change, where FRESAN's actions to reduce hunger, poverty and vulnerability to food and nutritional insecurity are being promoted.
For a week, Angolan managers will participate in various activities, including the presentation of case studies and successful experiences in both countries.
They will also observe food and nutritional security projects and initiatives in rural communities, with cultural immersion and tasting of local foods, integration into discussion groups to share knowledge and practices, as well as identifying areas for future collaborations.
Examples of public policies that will be presented include the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the National School Meal Program (PNAE), Bolsa Família, and the National Support Program for Rainwater Capture and Others Social Technologies for Access to Water (Cisternas Program).
The visit officially begins with the seminar on “Capacity building: public policies for coexistence with the semi-arid region and food and nutritional security”, at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (Univasf), in Juazeiro.
On the 21st, the seminar on “Knowledge exchange with local public authorities: public food policies, construction of municipal councils and associations between municipalities” will take place at Sest/Senat, in Arapiraca.
The closing will be on the 22nd, in Maceió, with the seminar “Triangular cooperation for territorial promotion of food and nutritional security”.
The seminars are expected to be attended by representatives from the Brazilian Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) and Agrarian Development and Family Farming (MDA), the Ministry of Agriculture of Angola, the Governments of Alagoas, Bahia, Cunene, Huíla and Namibe, Brazilian Cooperation Agency, Special Secretariat of the Bahia Without Hunger Program, among others.
The caravan is led by the Secretary of State for Local Authorities Fernando Paixão André Manuel and assisted by the vice-governors of Huíla, Maria João Chipalavela, Namibe, Abel Capitango and Cunene, Apolo Ndinoulenga. MS/DOJ