Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

1st Forum of the Angolan diaspora opens in the Netherlands

  • Luanda • Sunday, 24 November de 2024 | 19h06
Presidium do primeiro Fórum da Diáspora Angolana nos Países Baixos
Presidium do primeiro Fórum da Diáspora Angolana nos Países Baixos

Luanda - Strengthening connections and sharing knowledge for a strong and united diaspora were topics discussed at the 1st Angolan Diaspora Forum in the Netherlands, opened Sunday (24), in Rotterdam, by the Secretary of State for Angolan Communities in Abroad and International Cooperation, Domingos Vieira Lopes.

In his speech, the Secretary of State congratulated the consulate for the innovative and exemplary initiative, hoping that it will be replicated by the different consular posts.

The event, he continued, represents a milestone in promoting continuous dialogue and strengthening relations between Angola and its citizens abroad, reaffirming the government's commitment to valuing and supporting Angolan communities spread across the world.

He emphasized the importance of the knowledge and experience acquired by members of the diaspora, stating that their contribution to Angola's development does not need to be limited to their return, but can also be strengthened through partnerships to attract investors and diversify the country's economy.

Under the aegis of the Consulate General of Angola in Rotterdam, the event promoted several debates on burning topics among the Angolan diaspora, such as social integration, entrepreneurship, academic exchange and cooperation and cultural preservation, with the aim of strengthening ties between Angola and its diaspora.

The assembly recommended the creation of academic exchange programs, support for entrepreneurship, greater investment by the diaspora in Angola, the strengthening of community associations and greater preservation of cultural identity, with the aim of strengthening ties between Angola and its diaspora.MR/ DP/DOJ

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