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Traditional ritual marks the opening of the Mbanza Kongo festivities

Ritual tradicional marca abertura das festividades de Mbanza Kongo
Ritual tradicional marca abertura das festividades de Mbanza Kongo
David Augusto-ANGOP

Mbanza Kongo - A traditional ritual called 'Lembo', which took place at the Cemetery of the Kings of Kongo, marked on Friday, the opening of the program of the 7th anniversary of the elevation of the Historic Center of Mbanza Kongo to World Heritage Site, to be celebrated on July 8.

Lembo is a ceremony of the Kongo culture, which consists of invoking blessings from the deceased ancestors so that a certain activity of great magnitude (such as the city festivals) runs smoothly, since in the Kongo tradition it is believed that the ancestors are still alive spiritually and serve as intercessors to God.

Social peace, tranquility and harmony are the main attributes that the traditional authorities of the Lumbu 'Corte Real' ask of the ancestors in this ceremony, where the traditional drink (Nsamba) and cola, are the indispensable 'ingredients' for the realization of this act that precedes the party.

The ceremony was guided by the coordinator of the traditional authorities of Lumbu, Afonso Mendes, and witnessed by the governor of Zaire, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho.

Before, the cast of the Provincial Government and other guests, passed through Sunguilo, a historic site located in the grounds of the Museum of the Kings of Kongo, where they witnessed the extraction, in a palm tree, of a traditional drink called 'Nsamba or Maruvo', which was used for the traditional act that took place in the Cemetery of the Kings of Kongo.

Governor promises more actions to dignify the city of Mbanza Kongo

On the occasion, the governor of Zaire, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho, reaffirmed that the Executive remains committed to creating better conditions to give greater dignity to the city of Mbanza Kongo.

By the way, he also called for the involvement of the business class to invest in the province in the most varied areas of social and economic life.

'The province of Zaire is potentially rich, especially in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and minerals. We appeal to national and foreign businessmen to invest in our region,' he requested.

He urged the population of Zaire province, in general, and the municipality of Mbanza Kongo, in particular, to continue to conserve and preserve the monuments and historical sites of this historic city.

He pointed out the requalification of the 12 water sources that surround the city of Mbanza Kongo as one of the challenges that the Government faces, in the framework of compliance with UNESCO recommendations when elevating the Historic Center of this city to World Heritage.

He said that significant steps had already been taken by the Executive on compliance with the recommendations of this United Nations body that watches over world heritage, with emphasis on the removal of the metallic telecommunications antennas from the urban core, as well as the start of work on the new Mbanza Kongo airport.

Under the motto 'Mbanza Kongo cradle of Kongo culture', the festivities program includes campaigns to clean and beautify the city, lectures, health and agricultural production fairs, a musical-cultural show, among other attractions.

The Historic Centre of Mbanza Kongo was classified as a World Heritage Site on July 8, 2017, during the 41st session of UNESCO, held in the city of Krakow, Republic of Poland. DA/JL/DOJ

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