Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Lusophone artists brighten up Travessia Festival

Festival de música clássica
Festival de música clássica
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda – For the first time Angola hosted the Travessia Festival for the first time Wednesday in Luanda capital city, a cultural event that aims to promote integration, the exchange of knowledge among artists from different states in the Portuguese-speaking community.

The opening ceremony took place with the holding of a teachers' concert in which dozens of musicians took part, including Angolan, Portuguese, Mozambican and Brazilians violinists, pianists and singers.

Speaking to ANGOP, Brazilian pianist Cristina Margotto emphasised the fact that the project brings together music lovers from different backgrounds.

According to the woman who is also responsible for the project, she has so far taken 70 artists to Brazil, with the same aim of exchanging cultural experiences, noting that Angola is a country with many talents and musical rhythms.

In turn, the Mozambican violinist Agnes Golias, praised the fact that she had been chosen to take part in the event, among different violinists from her country.

The festival's musical coordinator, Bruno Neto, said that Angola is offering its hospitality, music and culture to foreign artists, emphasising that the event brings musical diversity between Portuguese-speaking countries.

In his opinion, cultural exchange between Portuguese-speaking countries is quite low, due to the lack of cultural expansion between them.

The music festival was created with the aim of promoting integration and the exchange of knowledge among artists from Portuguese-speaking countries, for the strengthening of each one's musical identity and providing learning and improvement opportunities for the artists involved.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...