Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Visual Arts Prize- Finalists awarded on Monday

Exposição Coletiva de Artes Plásticas
Exposição Coletiva de Artes Plásticas
António Escrivão - ANGOP

Luanda - Paintings and sculptures by young Angolan creators selected in the 1st edition of the Visual Arts Award given by the Embassy of Spain will be presented on Monday at Sagrada Esperança foundation, in Luanda, ANGOP has learned.

The prize, awarded by the Spanish Embassy in partnership with the National Union of Visual Artists (UNAP), aims to strengthen cultural exchanges between Angola and Spain and encourage young Angolan artists between the ages of 16 and 35 to show their creative potential.

According to a statement, the annual award, has the 1st and 2nd Grand Prize for painting, sculpture, as well as three honorable mentions, the winner, in painting and sculpture will receive 2 million kwanzas each, while second qualified will receive 1 million kwanzas each.

At least 66 visual works were submitted for the award (52 paintings and 14 sculptures), of which 22 paintings and 5 sculptures were selected for final judging.

The jury of the Spanish Embassy Visual Arts Award is composed of António Bastos Galiano, visual artist (president), Clara Monteiro, singer and visual artist, Gotier da Silveira, visual artist and journalist, and Pablo Mukiwa - representative of the Spanish Embassy in Angola.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...