Book entitled “Coisas da Vida” released in Lubango

Autor da obra "Coisas da Vida"
Autor da obra "Coisas da Vida"
Amélia Oliveira - ANGOP

Lubango – The writer Freddy Carlos released Sunday in Angola’s central Huíla province an autobiographical and motivational book for young entrepreneurs entitled "Coisas da vida" (Things of Life).

The author told ANGOP, that he wrote the book for two years when he received a challenge from a client and that it was first released in Brazil in November 2023, he is  a member of the cultural exchange movement between Angola and Brazil and at the request of several readers and supporters living in that South American country.

The author highlighted that the book is for students, young business people and for all those who already experienced childhood traumas, adding that it seeks to address the beliefs of those who don't believe in their potential, who blame their family or their country for their failure.

"The book aims to renew the beliefs of people who want to enter the world of entrepreneurship. When they come into contact with the book, readers will learn a little about my story and be given various motivational tools. They will learn that difficulties make us stronger and that they serve as a learning experience," he said.

Freddy Carlos stressed that behind the success young that he became today, there is a person who was born in a rural village in southern Huambo Province, having migrated through many provinces in the country, including Huíla, as well as abroad, and nothing has been easy.

He said that the book will soon be available on and that he also plans to launch the book in Mozambique to spread it to Portuguese-speaking countries.

The presentation of the book was accompanied by a lecture on entrepreneurship in the Angolan version, an issue highlighted in the book.

Aged 46, Freddy Carlos (Frederico Carlos Eduardo) has a degree in psychology and has professional training nutrition, weight loss strategies, digital marketing, Information Technology (IT), carpentry, motivational coaching, shoemaking, among others.




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