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MPLA recognizes musician Matadidi's contribution to independence

Músico, Matadidi Mário
Músico, Matadidi Mário
António Escrivão

Luanda - The MPLA party recognized, last Saturday, the contribution of musician Matadidi Mário Bwana Kitoko in the struggle that culminated in national independence, through the creation and dissemination of revolutionary songs.

The recognition ceremony took place in Luanda, under the guidance of the MPLA's vice-president, Luísa Damião, and is part of the cycle of tributes to the heroes of the revolutionary song.

For Luísa Damião, Matadidi Mário's works contributed to galvanizing, mobilizing and inspiring Angolans in a very difficult period in the country's history.

According to the supporter, Matadidi is part of a generation of musicians who gave another meaning to the revolution.

On the occasion, the musician thanked the MPLA for the recognition.

During the event, the musician was awarded the 17th of September medal, for his contribution to national liberation and received a guitar, rattles, a portrait and a piece of art.

The event, organized by MPLA's Office for Citizenship and Civil Society, was enlivened by Movimento band and members of the Inter Palanca Group, founded by the honored musician.


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