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Culture minister regrets death of Paulo Kapela

Artista Paulo Kapela
Artista Paulo Kapela

Luanda - The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Environment, Jomo Fortunato, Wednesday regretted the death of the artist Paulo Kapela, which took place on Tuesday, victim of illness.

In a message of condolence to which ANGOP had access, Jomo Fortunato highlights the contribution of Paulo Kapela in the affirmation of the Angolan plastic arts.

Self-taught Paulo Kapela began painting in 1960 at Poto-Poto School in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, and had been working in Luanda since 1989.

Kapela, a modest man but of incalculable artistic magnitude, made the visual arts his daily world.

Paulo Kapela won, this year, the National Prize of Culture and Arts, in the category of visual arts.

He has also participated in international exhibitions since 1995, and his work has been exhibited at the  touring exhibition, "Africa Remix", in 1995, and passed through London, Paris and Tokyo.

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