Luanda - The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA) on Sunday pointed out the national heritage as a testimony of the historical path and sensibility of Angolans in different contexts and situations.
In a message as part of the International Day of Monuments and Sites, the MCTA said that Angola has a considerable historical, cultural and natural heritage, including buildings, sites and places of memory, rock art, natural parks, fauna and flora.
According to the ministerial department, it is its responsibility to ensure the transmission of the historical and heritage legacy to future generations, in an educational process of preservation and conservation, via the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (INPC).
He added that over the current year, as a result of actions to preserve and publicise artistic and cultural heritage, Sona, geometric figures (drawings in the sand) from the Eastern Region, Independence Square, Largo do Pelourinho, in Luanda, Ombala in Bailundo (Huambo) and the rubble of the Cunene Provincial Government Palace were classified.