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Luanda hosts documentary film festival

DOC Luanda
DOC Luanda

Luanda - The second edition of the International Documentary Film Festival named DocLuanda kicked off on Thursday, in Luanda, with several activities, including international and national film competition, with seven Angolan films in competition, and a photo exhibition.

DocLuanda is an event created and programmed by the filmmaker Jorge António, in partnership with Portuguese Camões Institute in Angola and Angolan investment bank (BAI) Foundation and produced by Criacom/BCC audiovisual production company and Mukixe Production company, whose second edition will take place between March 30th and April 6th, 2023.


The festival, which will take place in several spaces, was inaugurated with the photographic exhibition named “Augusta Conchiglia - On the Tracks of the Eastern Front", as well as the round table "Film Festival in Luanda".


Lauro Cassule´s work on "The Stigma of Albinism in June 13", "Stories of Fisheries in Behind the Nets" by Sandra Siquita, "Translation in Once Upon a Time" by Mokoto Praia, and "The Municipalities in Kakwaku Stories", a collective achievement, as well as "The Difficulties in Accessibility for Disabled Persons in a Demonstration Museum", by Irene A'Mosi, "The History of the Athlete Paulo Bunze", by Sandra Siquita, and the "Drama of the Homeless in SolZ", by David Nahenda, are the national competition finalists.


In addition, there will also be the commercial premiere of the animated feature "Nayola" starting this Friday, March 31st, in the movie theater in Luanda such as Cinemax Talatona, Cinemax Nova Vida and Cinemax Kilamba and in the Cinemax of the cities of Benguela, Lubango, Huambo".


DocLuanda presents itself as an event directed towards documentary cinema that intends to encourage cultural exchange and establish a contemporary vision of the world and of Angola through cinema and its history, contributing in this way, also, to the future of the Angolan cinema panorama.


The festival is held annually and intends in the next editions to continue to extend its action or other artistic strands such as concerts, exhibitions and performing arts.


The exhibition and book fair are open every day of the festival, from 10am to 8pm at the Pepetela auditorium at the Portuguese Camões Institute and at the BAI academy.

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