Luanda - The arts company Horizonte Njinga Mbande is since Friday holding the first Independent Film Festival (FIC 1) in Luanda.
Speaking to ANGOP, the assistant director of the group, David Caracol, said the FIC1 aims to value, encourage, publicize and expand the films made by the trainees of the group’s training center and other creators, reveal new talents of cinema, offer them national and international visibility, develop and show the artistic talent of its trainees.
The festival also aims to encourage actors to continue working in the production of art-related content, in this current phase of Covid-19 and provide a meeting for debate between the old and the new generation, Caracol said.
Caracol added that there is no time limit for FIC1, since the intention is to extend the initiative to all the municipalities of Luanda and to try to take it to the remaining 17 provinces of the country, considering the importance that the society has contact with the cinematographic production made locally.
Horizonte Njinga Mbande is an arts company founded in 1986, which has been investing in the professionalization of its technicians, actors and trainees.