Practical english guide for travellers launched in Cunene

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  • Luanda • Friday, 24 May de 2024 | 19h07
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Lançamento do livro Guia prático de inglês para viagens no Cunene
Lançamento do livro Guia prático de inglês para viagens no Cunene
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP
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Lançamento do livro Guia prático de inglês para viagens no Cunene
Lançamento do livro Guia prático de inglês para viagens no Cunene
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP

Ondjiva - The book entitled “Practical English guide for travellers' ', by writer Sávio Marcolino, was launched on Thursday in the city of Ondjiva, Cunene province, aiming to help in the process of learning this language.

The 37-page book which is divided into six chapters and contains specific vocabulary, in a first phase has 150 copies and was made available by Chela publishing house.

 It includes the English alphabet to help with spelling names and basic tips on numbers to make it easier to count foreign coins at any point of sale, as well as everyday phrases such as greetings.

 On the occasion, Sávio Marcolino said that the manual came about after noticing people's deficiencies in the basics of English language, especially those travelling to Namibia for shopping and medical appointments.

In turn, the municipal director of education in Cuanhama, Celestino Weyulo, praised the initiative, given that the best wealth a human being can possess is the knowledge acquired through books.

 To him, the practical guide to English is of great importance.

 Sávio Marcolino, born in Cunene province, is an English teacher. He studied secondary education at the Ondjiva school of education.



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