Luanda - A book destined for children and young people, entitled "A Pegada Mágica" (The Magic Footprint), by the writer António Pinto "Ap kituxi", was launched on Wednesday in Luanda Province, in an initiative of the Art and Culture Foundation.
The book was illustrated by Altino Chindele and brings a story of Queen Nzinga Mbandi, about her reign, the struggle for liberation from the colonial yoke and her death.
The book aims to commemorate the 360th anniversary of the queen's death, with poems and musical theater pieces.
According to the deputy director of the Art and Culture Foundation, Xavier Narciso, with the book they intend to give children the opportunity to learn about the story of the Queen of Ndongo and Matamba and her origins through children's content.
He informed that in December this year the musical theater pieces will be launched, giving voice to the characters and the story of the book.
According to the writer, the book contains 40 pages, four of which are dedicated to readers, others are colouring pages with images of Nzinga Mbandi and some warriors from the Ndongo kingdom and space for questions concerning the story.
The writer also said that to provide a quality work he was based on other books, films and documentaries related to the history of the Angolan heroine.
"I did it with all my soul, all my affection and commitment, because children need to grow up knowing true heroes of Angola's history", he stressed.
António Pinto “AP Kituxi” is a 71-year-old Portuguese citizen, born near Mirandela on July 16, 1953. He has been residing in Angola for around 60 years and he has been developing activities in the areas of education, culture and cultural and business journalism.