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Portuguese and Angolan film enters Netflix platform

Cartaz de apresentação do trailer do filme angolano na Netflix "Onde está Deus"
Cartaz de apresentação do trailer do filme angolano na Netflix "Onde está Deus"

Luanda – The thriller movie entitled "Onde Está Deus?" (Where is God) produced by Portuguese and Angolan film producers is to arrive on US Netflix, Inc. media company on September 1, 2023, while the official trailer can already be seen from Saturday on that platform.

The movie, whose first premiere in Angola is scheduled for August, is starred by actor Tomás Ferreira and also has in the cast the model Carina Cavalheda and playwright Nelson Nhanga.

The movie was produced by Cinelife, Tp films, crafts movies and Rolos Angola and one of the directors of the movie, António Guimarações, said on Friday to ANGOP that this is a gratifying achievement due to the dimension that movie has taken.

He stressed that all the cast and the directors are happy because the movie "Onde Está Deus?" will reach more than 100 countries when it is shown on Netflix.

"It took someone outside Angola to see and believe and push the project to get where it will end up", concluded director António Guimarães.

He also added that the arrival of the feature film "Where is God?" in the Netflix feature films library will significantly change the careers of these young independent filmmakers.

The film gets a trilogy and the production of the second part of the film is already guaranteed.

One of the songs by Angolan singer and composer Dji Tafinha is the film's original soundtrack.

Director António Guimarães justifies that the choice of the singer is the right one, because his sound matches the film´s atmosphere.

"Onde Está Deus? is not a simple movie produced by independent Portuguese and Angolan film producers, but it is a starting point for a paradigm shift in the whole perspective on the events that the world is facing in recent times”, he emphasized.



The feature of the movie portrays a time when a religious organization intends to kill young women for satanic rituals; God intervenes through a young writer and destroys the devil's purpose over that small Christian town.



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