Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Children of Sun film premieres in November

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Filme angolano "Filhos do Sol"
Filme angolano "Filhos do Sol"

Luanda - The film “Filhos do Sol”, Children of the Sun literarily in English, recorded in the Angolan provinces of Luanda, Huíla and Cuanza-Sul, is scheduled to premiere on November 1st, in “Cinemax” and “Zap” cinema halls.

The feature film, whose production involves more than 130 professionals, portrays a mystical drama in the eternal struggle of good against evil.

According to a press release to which ANGOP had access Tuesday, in the first phase, the film can be seen in Cinemax and Zap Cinemas halls, in Luanda.

Filhos do Sol is a production by the company Criação Imediatas, in partnership with the companies Batuque Audiovisuais and Lisbon Works, and features artists Edmar Bernardo, Sidney Profeta, Óscar Gil, Nelson Ndongala, Conceição Diamante, Graciany Sukissa, Milton Kilandambuca, Ataíde Daniel, Alexandre Afonso, Emanuelson Manuel, Deodete Colsoul, Tatiana Durão, Delfino Ndalila, José Kiteculo, Nataniela Simões, Mac Gonel, among others.

In addition to this work which includes five series, director Ngouabi Silva also has others on the film market, namely “Chaduka”, "O plano de rei”, "A testemunha", "Message in a Bottle", e "O Barbeiro".

The film was produced by Leonel Pereira and was written and directed by Ngouabi Silva. It was completed in Portugal, by Lisbon Works.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...