Movie “Cicatrizes" premieres in Huambo

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  • Luanda • Monday, 05 August de 2024 | 11h04
Filme "Cicatrizes" estreia no Huambo
Filme "Cicatrizes" estreia no Huambo

Huambo - The movie "Cicatrizes" produced by the Angolan actor and director Felélé de Papel, premiered Sunday at the "Manuel Rui Monteiro" Cultural Center, at Huambo city, attended by 150 lovers of the seventh art.

Speaking to ANGOP, Felélé de Papel, the literary pseudonym of Fernando Goy, said the film was shot this year in Huambo province, mainly in the municipality of Bailundo, specifically in Ombala Yo Mbalundu and that the drama features 42 Angolan actors.

The actor, who is making his debut as a director, said the film produced by Ani Music, is centered on the character of Tchissupe, a young man from Bailundo municipality, who highlights the aspects of valuing the cultural elements of the Ovimbundu people.

He explained that Tchissupe is a young man in love with the rites, habits and customs of the Kingdom of Bailundo, who, due to life circumstances, after losing his parents, moved to the city, where he ended up experiencing a cultural shock, which forced him to be in a struggle for personality and identity, generating scars in his daily life.

Felélé de Papel said that the 56-minute feature film brings aspects of valuing and promoting Ovimbundu culture, from functional bilingualism between Portuguese and Umbundu, as well as calling for an end to tribalism and boosting local tourism.ZZN/JSV/ALH/TED/AMP

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