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U.S. reiterates commitment to training on intellectual property rights in Angola

Embaixador dos E.U.A em Angola, Tulinabo Mushingi
Embaixador dos E.U.A em Angola, Tulinabo Mushingi
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - The United States of America (USA) ambassador to Angola, Tulinabo Mushingui, reaffirmed on Thursday in Luanda his country's commitment to continue investing in training on intellectual property rights in the country, in order to promote the talents and creativity of artists.

The American diplomat was speaking at the opening of the 3rd Annual Conference on Intellectual Property Rights in Angola, which is taking place under the theme 'Building our Future with Innovation and Creativity'.

On the occasion, Tulinabo Mushingui expressed the willingness of the US to share experiences with Angola in the construction of an intellectual property system, with a view to protecting the rights of creators and encouraging the creation of a dynamic and competitive business environment.

'Together we can build a future in which intellectual property rights are protected and respected, where innovation and creativity can flourish for the benefit of all,' he stressed.

According to the ambassador, the U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that intellectual property supports more than 45 million jobs and $840 billion in exports, in addition to contributing more than $6 billion annually to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is why this issue is a national security and economic priority.

Under the theme 'Building our Future with Innovation and Creativity', the conference is organized by the Embassy of the United States of America in Angola, in partnership with Agência Portão Criativa and the Angolan Institute of Industrial Property (LAPI).

Lasting one day, during the meeting, participants will address topics such as 'The Integration of Intellectual Property in the National Education System', 'Angola's accession to International Intellectual Property Conventions', as well as 'The role of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in the Promotion of Industrial Property Rights in Angola'.

Academics and art creators participate in the event. ANM/MCN/DOJ

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