Museums contribute to preservation of cultural heritage

     Leisure and culture              
  • Luanda • Monday, 20 May de 2024 | 12h20
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Utensílios domésticos do povo Oshiwambo no Cunene
Utensílios domésticos do povo Oshiwambo no Cunene
Fabiana Hitalukua-ANGOP
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Chefe de departamento da cultura, patrimônio Histórico e Comunidade Tradicional no Cunene, Ana Maria Lena
Chefe de departamento da cultura, patrimônio Histórico e Comunidade Tradicional no Cunene, Ana Maria Lena
Fabiana Hitalukua-ANGOP

Ondjiva – The head of the department of culture and historical heritage in the southern Cunene Province, Ana Maria Lena, on Monday in Ondjiva, highlighted the importance of the museums for the preservation of cultural heritage.

Speaking to ANGOP, in the scope of the international museum day, the official stated that museums guarantee the preservation of symbols, tools and other cultural values of the region, resulting in the transmission of the testimony to new generations.

“Museums are spaces that allow new generations to connect with the past, understand the present and build a more culturally aware and enriched future, as they ensure the conservation of museum pieces, facilitating research into the cultural identity of peoples”, she emphasised.

At the time, she pointed out that the province only has one “museum hall”, located in the House of Culture, emphasising that the provincial office is working on creating conditions to enrich the province's cultural heritage.

Ana Maria Lena added that they plan the training of technicians to ensure the organisation, conservation and maintenance of the existing pieces, in order to keep the room functional.

The international museum day, is celebrated annually on 18 May since 1977,  due to the proposal of the International Council of Museums, which is part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with the aim of encouraging society to reflect on the role of museums in its development.


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