Storytelling 4th edition highlights African tales

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  • Luanda • Monday, 26 August de 2024 | 15h12
Belarmina Paulino - ANGOP

Luanda - Five traditional African tales will be presented in the 4th edition of the storytelling programme named “Estórias no Imbondeiro” (Stories at the Baobab), to be held on 31 August, in an initiative by the Luanda Science Centre (CCL).

According to a note ANGOP had access, these are stories collected by the Angolan writers Ondjaki, Óscar Ribas and Raul David, as well as fables from the oral literature of Ícolo and Bengo, in the province of Luanda and Malanje.

The first narrative, entitled “Ombela, the Origin of Rain”, by writer Ondjaki, is a recreation based on the Ovimbundu tradition, as “the elders say that rain was born from the tears of Ombela, a goddess who was sad”.

The second story, “The Man and the Monster”, collected in Malanje, tells the story of a family head who; after visiting his in-laws, a monster stops him on his way back and forces him to share everything he had received from his relatives, such as chickens, goats and other products from the fields. However, the man is helped by a non-disabled dwarf who manages to defeat the monster.

This will be followed by “The Eagle and the Candimba” (rabbit), that is another tale from the Ovimbundu tradition, recreated by the writer Raúl David, whose plot revolves around an axe lent by the rabbit to the eagle and, if the latter does not return it, only the turtle will settle a dispute.

From the book Kilandukilu (meaning entertainment in Kimbundu language), collected by the writer Óscar Ribas, the story entitled “The Frog and the Elephant” will be told. It tells the story of the dispute between Mrs. Maria, who said that both the frog and the elephant intended to have her as a wife. In the end, the frog outsmarts the elephant through cunning.

The last story is entitled “The Lion and the Mole Were Friends”, is a fable from the oral literature of Icolo and Bengo, which teaches the community to reflect before making a decision, how to face difficulties, as well as how to stay away from sadness.

“Stories at the Baobab” is a project inspired by the Angolan oral tradition and the centuries-old baobab tree of the old soap factory, in the Baleizão area of Luanda, around which the public will sit during the sessions.

The initiative, to be held monthly, aims to raise awareness among the population, especially the youngest, about the importance of knowing and valuing the culture and traditional customs of Angola. The sessions are open to the public of all ages. LIN/MCN/MRA/DOJ


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