Luanda - The Angolan community residing in Brasília carried out a social and cultural activity, called "Caldo Kaombo", to celebrate 49 years of Angola's independence.
Angola 's independence was proclaimed on November 11, 1975, by President António Agostinho Neto.
According to a press release ANGOP had access to on Thursday, the event took place last Saturday (9), in the city of Brasília and brought together around 100 citizens, including Angolans, Brazilians, Guineans, Mozambicans, Gabonese and Koreans.
The event provided those present with a journey into national flavours and culture, through tasting national dishes, including mufete (grilled fish).
The initiative served for a complete understanding of Angolan culture, to revive Angola´s identity and hospitality in Brazilian lands, as well as to strengthen the traditional ties of friendship between Angola and Brazil.