Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Angolan filmmaker participates in short film festival in France

Cineasta e artista visual angolano, Resem Verkron, participa no festival de Curta-metragem em França
Cineasta e artista visual angolano, Resem Verkron, participa no festival de Curta-metragem em França

Luanda - Angolan filmmaker and visual artist Resem Verkron is participating in the International Short Film Festival 2025 Clermont-Ferrand, in France, which runs from January 31 to February 8, ANGOP has learned.

At the festival, Resem Verkron will present her latest project "RGB Trilogy", produced by Uika Filmes.

According to a statement, the film features different characters with moral and existential dilemmas, presenting a portrait of human emotions and the internal struggle between guilt, fear and redemption.

At the festival, Resem Verkron gave a pitch for the project, which attracted the interest of film industry professionals and potential co-production and financing partners.

The RGB Trilogy" is in the development phase, with production and post-production planned for 2025.

The Clermont-Ferrand Festival is considered one of the most prestigious short film events in the world, providing a crucial platform for new talent and innovative projects. The presence of Resem Verkron and the production company Uika Filmes confirms the creative strength of Angolan cinema and the growing integration of its production in the international circuit.


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