Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Youth literature brigade suggests construction of community libraries

Artéria da cidade do Uíge
Artéria da cidade do Uíge
Domingos Nicolau

Uige - The secretary of the Angolan Youth Literature Brigade (BJLA) in Uige, Augusto Mussulo, suggested the provincial government to bet on the construction of community libraries and spaces for the promotion of literary works.

Speaking to ANGOP on the inexistence of libraries and spaces for the diffusion of literary works in the province, Mussulo justified that the creation of such places may encourage reading habits in the region.

Augusto Mussulo also requested the Uige Government to create policies to support local writers in the publication of their works.

Due to the inexistence of spaces for the publication of literary works in the region, many writers resort to digital platforms to divulge their works, he informed, as an example, he said, over 50 poems were released last year on various digital platforms.



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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...