Angolan academic presents Cokwe anthroponyms dictionary

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  • Luanda • Tuesday, 28 May de 2024 | 23h46

Saurimo - A 200-page Cokwe anthroponyms dictionary was presented on Tuesday in Saurimo, Lunda-Sul Province, by academic and university lecturer Zacarias Sakawanga, as part of the city's 68th anniversary celebrations, marked on 28 May.

The work portrays the meaning of Cokwe names and clarifies in detail the meaning of some of the proper names used in the ethnolinguistic community.

At the time, the author said that the book contributes to improving discourse and writing skills, as well as encouraging students at various levels of education to master their language, emphasizing that it also aims to cultivate in the minds of families who speak Cokwe and others an interest in communicating in their mother tongue correctly and without taboo.

He said that Cokwe cannot disappear, as it represents the identity of an Angolan ethnic group and is above all an identity element for different peoples, hence the reason for the book's publication.

In turn, the provincial director of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports, Nelson Muiuca, said that the book is an opportunity to expand the culture and identity of the Cokwe people, as well as serving as a study and research centre for history students from the most distinguished educational institutions.

The ceremony was honoured by the provincial governor of Lunda-Sul, Daniel Neto, and other members of his team, as well as the civil society.

 Zacarias Sakawanga was born in Lunda Sul on 25 April 1965. He has a master 's degree in African literature and language. He is a university lecturer in history at Lueji A'Nkonde University.


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