UAN registers more than 12,000 candidates

  • Luanda • Thursday, 15 August de 2024 | 20h53
Agostinho Neto University (UAN)'s Campus.
Agostinho Neto University (UAN)'s Campus.

Luanda - More than 12,000 citizens signed up for the higher education entrance exams, for the 2024/25 academic year, in Luanda, according to the coordinator of the access commission at the Agostinho Neto University, Fernanda dos Santos Benedito.

The registered citizens will compete for 4,605 vacancies in the eight organic units that make up the Agostinho Neto University (UAN), 1,545 for Exact Sciences, 3,015 for Social Sciences and 45 for the biology course.

Fernanda Benedito clarified that 10,118 candidates were registered, out of a total of 12,381, taking into account that some had more than one option when choosing courses.

Law is the most requested course. The Philosophy course is the least applied by candidates.

According to Fernanda Benedito, 3% of vacancies are reserved for candidates who have special needs.

She explained that an equal percentage was attributed to former combatants and descendants of fallen or perished combatants.

For candidates protected by international agreements, signed between the Angolan State and other countries, 5% of existing vacancies were reserved.

Regarding the admission criteria, the coordinator recalled that the minimum grade required is ten points, given that a positive grade, in itself, does not guarantee admission, due to the limited number of places.

"We have already situations where candidates with grades of 13 or 14 were unable to get places on certain courses, due to high competition", she explained.

The entrance exams will be held from the 19th to the 21st of this month, on ground, at the University Town Campus, in Luanda.

Agostinho Neto University is made up of 10 organic units, 7 faculties, 2 institutes and a school. It has more than 23 students. JAM/OHA/CF/DOJ


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