First Lady delivers computer rooms to Welwitschia Mirabilis school

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 31 July de 2024 | 20h12
Primeira-Dama da República, Ana Dias Lourenço, inaugura sala de informática no Namibe
Primeira-Dama da República, Ana Dias Lourenço, inaugura sala de informática no Namibe

Moçamedes - The First Lady of the Republic, Ana Dias Lourenço, delivered two computer rooms to the Liceu Nº58M “Welwitschia Mirabilis”, in the province of Namibe, on  Wednesday.

In her speech at the handover ceremony, Ana Dias Lourenço said that the initiative is the result of her commitment to the School, since
its inauguration in 2007, when she offered to sponsor the establishment and contribute to raising the quality of its teaching.

The installation of the two computer rooms, equipped with 35 computers, had the support of local authorities and partners, in
particular the company Huawei, which promised to equip and update the equipment, she explained.

 She said that the new computer equipment will enable students at that school to optimise and use information technologies, essential tools
for the challenges of the digital age. On the occasion, the president of Huawei for Portuguese-speaking countries, António Hou, confirmed
that 35 computers and computer desks were donated, as well as a set of projectors and other IT equipment, including a router, server, cameras
and smart boards.

He stressed that the donation of the equipment to the Welwitschia Mirábilis high school has, among other things, the objective of
strengthening cooperation between Huawei Angola and the Angolan government.

 "We hope that, through joint efforts with the office of the First Lady of the Republic of Angola and the Angolan government, we can
invest in and develop education and expand the path of inclusive development, increasingly broadening the gap to fill the gap as much
as possible," he stressed.

The provincial governor of Namibe, Archer Mangueira, added that this creates the conditions to equip students with essential knowledge to
face the challenges of the digital age, reconciling theory and practice.

 He also assured that it will be possible to establish interconnection with remote smart rooms, as well as with other countries with similar
systems, considering this to be a very important asset for Namibe.

He took the opportunity to thank the company ITA-PARATUS, which, within the scope of its social responsibility, promptly responded to
the request to offer the connection of equipment to the Internet in the two computer rooms.

 He appealed to the entire school community at the Welwitschia Mirabilis High School to contribute to the preservation of this new
equipment, because, he argued, "only then will the students be able to benefit from it to the fullest".

 In turn, the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Zhang Bin, highlighted the fact that relations between the two countries remain strong, giving
the example of the participation of Chinese companies in projects that aim to ensure the well-being of Angolans, within the scope of their
social responsibilities.

 This project will serve as an example for more Chinese companies to participate in the development of education in Angola, he said. With
2,300 students in four courses, the Welwitschia Mirabilis High School has a physics, chemistry, biology, fine arts and computer science

The “Welwitschia Mirabilis” High School was inaugurated by Ana Dias Lourenço, as Minister of Planning, and the request for the equipment
of these rooms was made by the students during a visit when was already First Lady. 

The school trains professionals in the areas of Physical and Biological Sciences, Economic and Legal Sciences, Human Sciences and
Physical and Biological Sciences. VR/FA/AMC/MCN/TED/DOJ

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