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Ministry of Youth asks for mining engineering course in Lunda Norte

  • Luanda • Friday, 02 August de 2024 | 19h12
Secretaria de estado para Juventude Danila Patrícia de Almeida Bragança
Secretaria de estado para Juventude Danila Patrícia de Almeida Bragança
David Dias-ANGOP

Dundo – The Secretary of State for Youth, Danila Bragança, on Friday in Dundo, defended the need to implement Geology and Mining engineering courses in the Province of Lunda Norte, aiming to meet the market demand.

At the present time, the province has 42 companies working in the diamond sector that carry out industrial and semi-industrial exploration.

The shortage of skilled workers in the province forces companies to hire workers from other parts of the country, as well as abroad, to meet demand.

According to Dalina Bragrança, who was answering young people´s questions during the meeting for the presentation of the Youth Strategic Plan, “it makes perfect sense for local young people to be trained in an area where the province has enormous potential so that they can have employment opportunities.”

On the other hand, she highlighted that the solution to some issues presented by young people living in that province are transversal and that it does not depend exclusively on the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

She assured that the ministry plans to meet other ministry departments with the aim to assess some of the concerns of young people in the country's 18 provinces so that concrete solutions are found.

The official informed that the act of public presentation of the Strategic Plan for the Integral Development of Youth aims to bring together the voice of young people for a direction of harmony, as well as for inclusive participation in decision-making processes on external public policies for this segment of society.

According to her, PEDIJ is an instrument that allows the materialization of the State's policies for youth and, through it, addresses the major concerns of young people related to education, technical and professional training, employment, housing, entrepreneurship, among others.

Danila Bragança revealed that with the process of collecting contributions carried out in the 18 provinces, the Ministry of Youth and Sports wants to prepare and submit for approval a Strategic Plan that truly corresponds to the expectations of young Angolans.

She added that the preparation of this plan will allow for more objective action by the different actors in specific youth issues, according to each reality.

Without revealing details, she informed that after Lunda-Norte, a national meeting will be held in the country's capital, Luanda. HD/MRA/DOJ

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