Angolan minister defends inclusion of ICTs in CPLP academic communities

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 12 June de 2024 | 15h22
Maria do Rosário Bragança, Ministra do Ensino Superior
Maria do Rosário Bragança, Ministra do Ensino Superior
Gaspar dos Santos-ANGOP

Talatona- The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Maria do Rosário Bragança, on Wednesday in Luanda, defended the implementation of interactive science among the academic communities of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries  (CPLP ) in the use of ICTs, with the aim of contributing to the quality of scientific and technological research.

Speaking at the opening of the First Conference on Science of the CPLP and the launch of the Angolan open access repository, the minister said the inclusion, promotion and guarantee of scientific dissemination should also be part of the mass use of ICTs and contribute to the quality of academic research.

According to the minister, the National Development Plan (PDN) 2023-2027 contains actions to meet the challenges of scientific research, technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

The minister explained that among the actions of the UNI.AO program there is the creation of a scientific publishing platform which, in a collaborative effort between the two initiatives, has resulted in the creation of the Angolan open access repository.

With the creation of this platform (RanAA), the minister said, the Angolan government expects greater dissemination of national scientific publications to improve quality and quantity indicators in the region and the world.

The executive secretary of the CPLP, João Ima Panzo, on his turn said the event represents a crucial step in consolidating scientific and technological cooperation between the CPLP member states, promoting open science in the commitment to the United Nations' 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

 João Ima Panzo said that Open Science represents an innovative approach to the scientific process, based on collaboration, sharing and the dissemination of knowledge, fuelled by digital technologies.

"The joint action of the CPLP has led to significant progress, in particular the efforts to create the Observatory of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Networks of Science Funding Agencies of the CPLP," he said.

To him, these initiatives aim to consolidate the space for science, technology and higher education in the CPLP, promoting greater integration and co-operation between the countries.  /DAN/AMP




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