Higher education to discontinue courses without a suitable profile

  • Luanda • Friday, 21 June de 2024 | 15h34
Eugénio Silva, secretário de EstadO do Ensino Superior
Eugénio Silva, secretário de EstadO do Ensino Superior
José Filipe - ANGOP

Lubango - The Secretary of State for Higher Education, Eugénio Silva, warned on Friday, in Lubango, southern Huíla province, that public or private institutions that train teachers without the right profile, tailored to the country’s current picture, will have their courses discontinued from the academic year.

The measure comes under the legal framework for the initial training of kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers, which must take into account the teacher's profile, infrastructure, classrooms, libraries, internet network, laboratories, among others that contribute to the teaching and learning process.

Eugénio da Silva said the country needs to have a teaching staff with a more specific and appropriate profile, which corresponds to the requirements of the related training course, so that students can learn well.

Speaking to journalists as part of a two-day assessment visit to Huíla, where he is checking out the infrastructural conditions of higher education institutions, the official said the Ministry wants quality in the training process to be based on the organization of the internship, as it is a space with theoretical and practical skills.

The official announced that the state will make an extra budget available to reinforce and support the improvement of the conditions required in public higher education institutions, for the purchase of material that contributes to the training of future staff.JT/MS/DAN/AMP

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