Luanda - The Ministry of Higher Education, Science Technology and Innovation opened, on Friday, a public tender for the entry of 858 university professors.
The vacancies are for an assistant intern, assistant and auxiliary teacher, according to a press release sent to ANGOP.
They will be distributed by Universities Agostinho Neto (105 vacancies), Mandume Ya Ndemufayo (45), from Luanda (42), Namibe (49), November 11 (43), Katyavala Bwila (37) and Queen Njinga (38) .
Kimpa Vita University will benefit from 34, followed by the universities José Eduardo dos Santos (30), Lueji a Nkonde (29) and Cuito Cuanavale (25).
Higher institutes will also be reinforced in this process, and those of education sciences of Luanda and Huila will receive every 30 teachers, those of Education of Cabinda and Benguela will have 25 each and the one of Uige 21 teachers.
Huambo Higher Institute of Education will receive 19 teachers from Sumbe 20, from Cuanza-Sul 26, Bié 21, Moxico 20, Bengo 23 and the same number for Ndalatando.
The Bengo Pedagogical School will be reinforced with 19 technicians, Bié 19 and the arts and humanity of Mbanza Congo 17 teachers. MGM/OHA/DOJ