Lubango – At least 4.154 headteachers and assistant headteachers of primary education schools in several municipalities of Lubango city, central Huíla province take part in a four-day teaching methodologies’ training .
The event organized by the Ministry of Education with funding from the World Bank , aims to prepare and upgrade school managers with techniques that will improve the quality of teaching and learning in the 2024/2025 school year.
Participants will also improve teaching skills, structured pedagogy, drawing up lesson plans based on essential teaching skills and gender-based violence.
Speaking to ANGOP on Tuesday, the local education office spokesperson, Benício Puna, said the seminar will bolster the National Staff Training Plan.
‘The school year is about to start, so we intend to reinforce teaching techniques so that teachers and pupils go hand in hand in the classroom,” he said.
The provincial education office in Huíla oversees 19,110 teachers. For the current academic year, 835,103 pupils have been enrolled, 46,509 more than last year. JT/MS/DAN/AMP