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ISCED-Uíge and FAS sign participation agreement in community projects

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 12 March de 2024 | 16h33
Mulheres em formação
Mulheres em formação
Amélia Oliveira

Uíge - An agreement for student participation in community projects was initiated today, Wednesday, in the city of Uíge, between the Higher Education Sciences Institutes (ISCED-Uíge) and the Local Development Institute (FAS).

The protocol, framed in the Program to Combat Poverty, was initialed by the coordinator of the ISCED-Uíge management committee, Agostinho da Silva, and the provincial director of FAS, Nanizaiawo Capitão, respectively.

Speaking at the event, Nanizaiawo Capitão said that registrations will begin on Friday (15) and plans to benefit, initially, 10 students from ISCED-Uíge.

The internships will be paid, in a project that will last six months and will also contribute to scientific research.

He explained that the project started in 2021 and has already benefited 25 students from Kimpa Vita University and the Private Higher Institute of Uíge


In turn, the coordinator of the ISCED-Uíge Management Committee, Agostinho da Silva, considered that the protocol signals the objective of both institutions, justifying their contribution to improving the living conditions of the communities.

The meeting was attended by ISCED professors, FAS members and other guests. QJ/JAR/CF/DOJ

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