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INFOSI suggests technology subjects from primary school curriculum

  • Luanda • Monday, 15 July de 2024 | 14h51
Pedro André, director-geral do INFOSI
Pedro André, director-geral do INFOSI
José Filipe - ANGOP

Lubango - The director-general of the National Institute for the Promotion of the Information Society (INFOSI), Pedro André said that Angola should start preparing to introduce technology subjects into the curriculum of primary schools, with a view to obtaining better results in this regard.

The challenge was launched Monday, in Lubango, Huíla province, at the opening of the Forum on Digital Governance, aimed at public and private managers in the province of Huíla, where he defended that the subjects that have to do with technologies start as early as primary school, given that the sooner they educate children in the field of technologies, the better results will be achieved.

He stressed that with the rapid technological advancement, the internet has established itself as one of the main forces of transformation in recent decades, as societies currently face a challenge of adapting to the new paradigms of access to information management.

In this regard, Pedro André urged Angolan universities to work with primary schools in order to prepare children to live safely with the internet.

For the manager, it is a challenge that will determinedly constitute a factor of multiplication of technological and scientific knowledge, so that they can grow, undertake and improve their line of action, in a safe way.

He pointed out that in the face of the flow of content on the Web, it is crucial to distinguish reliable sources from those that provide inaccurate or malicious information, which can put users at risk.

He made it known that the Government of Angola develops these seminars, to ensure the security of the digital system approved in the domain by the entity that governs the internet in the world.

He reinforced that the event in question seeks not only to identify the main virtual threats, but also to promote an effective methodology for user awareness, hence the importance of correctly exploring the best online security practices.

Meanwhile, the deputy provincial governor of Huíla for technical services and infrastructure, Hélio de Almeida, considered that this seminar will allow greater control in the use and management of information on government actions.

The tools, said the vice-governor, must be used with greater security avoiding leakage of information, hence it is necessary to have mastery and knowledge of them.

The event, the first of its kind, brought together provincial directors, representatives of different public and private institutions of secondary and higher education, municipal administrators, government officials and journalists. JT/MS/DOJ

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