Huambo - The education sector in Huambo province has enrolled a total of 588, 13 primary education pupils for the 2024/2025 school year, which represents 70 per cent of the 943,962 enrolled in all education subsystems.
The information was disclosed to ANGOP on Thursday by the local education department director, Mário Rodrigues, adding that the teaching/learning process will be ensured by 14,959 teachers in 10,586 classrooms, totaling 847 schools.
Mário Rodrigues said the sector was reinforced with 475 new teachers hired in the last public tender 2023/2024, who have already been distributed to the province's 11 municipalities to improve the quality of the teaching/education system.
Rodrigues said that the literacy process is another challenge, with more than 27,000 citizens expected to learn to read and write in the current academic year 2024/2025.JSV/ALH/DAN/AMP