Luanda -The Angolan Government and the World Bank (WB) signed, Wednesday, a financing agreement valued at USD 250 million to support Angola's efforts to empower girls and boys and combat learning poverty.
At the occasion, the Minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, highlighted the partnership between the Angolan Government and the World Bank, which translates into achievements for strategic areas, for the development of education in Angola.
According to the Cabinet minister, the best solutions are ensured for this funding to help the learning system of the children in Angola.
Luísa Grilo promised the due mobilisation of resources to fight Covid-19, through the signing of financing agreements, as well as through the mobilisation of extraordinary Treasury resources to support, through the Ministry of Health.
The government's revised National Development Plan (2018-2022) prioritises investments in human capital, with an emphasis on girls' and women's empowerment.
The World Bank funding marks the second comprehensive investment in this area, expanding both the supply of and demand for health and education services, using a space approach with a focus on particularly vulnerable municipalities.